Ever since the rise of social media, the conversation around mental health has become much bigger. Going to therapy has been normalised within my generation, however the topic of taking meds is often not part of that conversation.
In my short film 'Pil-Mens' I ask people about their personal experiences with medication, in hopes of breaking taboo and encouraging the public to talk about it more.

Artist statement
A visual artist with a love for storytelling, and an interest for experimenting with a wide range of media. Currently passionate about discovering the possibilities of film and creating outlets for people to share their experiences with the world around them.
The dream is to be able to keep connecting with new people through my art and share their stories with the world. To help other people find purpose through sharing their feelings, and to give them the opportunity to make this world a better place by expressing themselves.
Geleerd tijdens de studie
During my time at HKU I've discovered my need for personal connection to my work, and how to use that source of inspiration to connect with others. In my eyes the power of storytelling is the ability to relate to one another.
I've had the chance to experiment and find my own voice within this creative field, and I think I will leave this place a more well rounded person as a whole.
Overzicht van publicaties / exposities / prijzen / concerten / voorstellingen etc.
Bachelor Graphic Design | HKU Media | 2020 - ongoing
Minor Timebased Media | HKU Media | 2023
Film and Graphic Designer | Pitou & Dubouis | 2023
Kidsclub/School voor Jong Talent assistant| KABK | 2023
Short Film ‘In Zicht’ | De Verdieping | AG HKU | 2022